
The lifestyle of an athlete isn’t for athletes

athlete(noun)a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina. I have two problems with that definition. First, it presumes that a person is not an athlete until they have completed years of training and achieved a high level of proficiency in a particular sport. Second, this…


I went on a run this morning and thought of an NCEA question that had to do with the concept of respiration. There are two types of respiration: aerobic and anaerobic respiration (in human cells). Here’s a brief comparison between the two. When your body is no longer able to take in oxygen at a…

To solve the Rubik’s cube

I had the misconception that you had to be some gifted genius to be able to solve a Rubik’s cube. To my surprise, I was wrong because I learned to solve it in about a month. One month might sound short or long depending on who you are but personally, it was learning the algorithm…


I haven’t been posting any gardening photos and I’m pretty sure that’s going into the report so, here I am trying to save myself. Back in May, I sowed cabbage seeds and, I’ll admit that I wasn’t monitoring it as well as I should have. This term, I am determined to be more consistent and…

Physics actually makes sense

I’d refer to myself as an anti-newtonist because I dislike calculus but physics isn’t too bad. I am at the age where people my age learn how to drive and so, in one of my lessons, I was going through a roundabout. I applied a bit too much pressure on the accelerator and I felt…

Learning at home again

Term 2 has brought about some changes. Due to the current situation, M.I.S has now switched back into online learning mode. Unlike last year, I know my way around the websites and how to use the various online learning tools, or at least I like to think I do. It’s tempting to procrastinate but, I…


Chess is a well-known strategy Board Game. Despite the rules being simple, playing it can pose a challenge. It’s a game where brains beat brawn. By playing chess, you’re likely to develop skills such as-Critical thinking (are some moves better than others?),-Analytical skills (what’s my opponent likely to do?),-Spatial awareness (where can a given piece…

Term 1 End

Term one has come to an end and now we’re on a two week break from school. Many things have happened this term and I can’t say for sure if that’s a good thing or not. The Pod 12 students are organizing the Etiquette Ball this year and things are moving slow. We’re hoping to…


It’s already the end of week 5 and I’m surprised at how fast this term is going. This term is supposed to be a sort of trial period to test things such as timetables and studying techniques and see how to better or change them to make the most out of our time at school,…

Near-death experience

To start, yes the title is exaggerated to grab your attention (hopefully it worked). Yesterday (16/02) was eventful. I had my first nose bleed. No, it’s not as cool as it looks in the movies and yes, I can still breathe. I got hit in the nose by a classmate when we were playing frisbee…


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